Child Left Behind Lyrics Song is the latest English song Sung by Kanye West from the album DONDA. No Child Left Behind song was released on the official youtube channel Kanye West. Here One can find No Child Left Behind Song Lyrics Meaning, No Child Left Behind Song Lyrics in French, Spanish & English, No Child Left Behind Song Ringtone, No Child Left Behind Song Download, No Child Left Behind Song Mp3 Download. Get No Child Left Behind song lyrics here Below.
General Information about child left behind-
“No Child Left Behind” belongs to Universal Music Group (UMG) and its subsidiaries, such as Def Jam Recordings.
This includes the master recording and any associated sound recordings. No Child Left Behind” belongs to the individual songwriters mentioned above.
Public performances of “No Child Left Behind” require a license from the song’s performing rights organization (PRO), such as ASCAP or BMI.
No Child Left Behind” will expire 50 years after the year of publication (2021). This means that the sound recording will enter the public domain in 2072.
No Child left behind facts -
The song was published by various music publishing companies, including Jabriel Iz Myne, Ric Volta Publishing, Papa George Music, No Days Off Publishing, Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., and others.
No Child Left Behind Song Information:
Song Title | No Child Left Behind |
Singer | Kanye West |
Album | DONDA |
Released | July 24, 2021 |
songwriters | Kanye West |
Length | 5:32 |
produced By | No Child Left Behind |
No Child Left Behind song lyrics-
(Verse 1) Back again, I used my back against the wall Never called on y’all, never counted on y’all I’ll always count on God
(Chorus) He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me
(Verse 2) Used to pray for enemies, now I pray for my team Used to sleep in the streets, now I sleep in a dream Used to be in debt, now I own everything Used to be in the trap, now I’m flying on wings
(Chorus) He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me
(Bridge) No child left behind No child left behind No trouble, no trouble Back again, I used my back against the wall Never called on y’all, never count on y’all I’ll always count on God
(Chorus) He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me He’s done miracles on me
(Outro) (Donda Chant)
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